Kyle Harrigan: Team Disc Revolution 2023

The idea for Disc Rev started in early 2020.  In that idea phase, as we were looking for advice, a friend (Camden) of a friend (Steve) brought Kyle to play a round with us.  I spent our first round peppering Kyle and Camden with questions on how we could bring real value to the disc golf community and make Disc Rev a success.   That advice became the foundation of how we started our little company.  You could say Kyle has been a founding member of Disc Rev since before we started.  Combine his awesome advice with the fact that Kyle has been part of almost every big milestone for Disc Rev and it is our great pleasure to announce that Mr. Kyle Harrigan is an official member of Team Disc Revolution for 2023 and beyond.


We look forward to working with Kyle to continue bringing great things to our friend in this awesome community we are all part of.

Please see our 2023 interview with Kyle below.  

What would you like everyone in the disc golf community to know about you?

 Disc Golf for me started as a hobby. Over time, as I became more involved in the community, it became clear this was a passion that I had to follow. I love every aspect of disc golf, from the flight of the disc, to the people that surround me, whether it is a casual round, a league match, a premier tournament, or a solo round, Disc Golf is Life!


How long have you been playing disc golf?  What brought you to the sport?

 I played my first round at Badlands in 2007ish.... Fast forward 3 years until I played my second ever round. I have been playing disc golf since 2010. I was brought out to Johnny Robert with a group of old friends and was handed a Buzzz and a Aviar, I was hooked from that day forward. The people who brought me out were old friends that ended up knowing a co-worker of my wife who convinced me to join them all. From that day I instantly got hooked into the local community and tournament play. Over time I began to appreciate the competitive nature that I missed from my former days of athletic glory, and I have not left since!


What is your favorite type of shot to throw and why?

 My favorite throw is a neutral Putter Shot. I love taking the disc that is most susceptible to form flaws and executing the shot. You learn a lot about your game and your play form just a putter round every now and then. I routinely do a putter drive round to ensure I have my timing, my angles, my overall stature correct and ready for the rest of my discs.


What are your disc golf goals for 2023?  Both in your game as well as the events you are running?

 2023 to me is about personal growth. I have finally gotten over my 950 rating hump and I am putting the effort into growing toward a 970 rating. I want to remain competitive in my MPO and MA1 rounds, all while having a great time!

Events: I am currently slated for 27 events, 22 as Head TD, 5 as Assistant TD, and I am sure that number is fluid and will take on more volume


Why did you decide to join Team Disc Revolution?

 I met Casey during the pandemic in 2020, from that day the talk of Disc Revolution was already brewing. I was and am ecstatic to have been partnered with a company of people that share a passion for the sport and the community that I do. Working with a retailer that just aligns with my general attitude and passion is a dream and because I have spent nearly 3 years getting to know the Scogins, I know that I am on a Team that will support me and the community to a great extent. I look forward to what the future holds for Team Disc Revolution!


What are your goals as part of Team Disc Revolution?

 Off Record...... DESTROY JOSH ROSA

On Record: I want to continue being a doer, giving to the community and working toward making disc golf in Colorado better. Working the Disc Revolution in the past and now future I know that we can work together to continue giving players of all skills, ages, abilities, and passion more!


Favorite pro player?  Why?

 Favorite Pro Player: Calvin Heimburg, I dream to rip a disc with the accuracy he has, as well as the demeanor he carries himself with on the course. He is always focused on the game and his frustration seems to rarely be visible. He is a player I have admired for many years now and I look forward to watching him either live or on post production most weeks!


What are your favorite hobbies outside of disc golf?

 Uh Hobbies outside disc golf?
Really it is about my family outside disc golf, the kids and I love Legos and Video Games, I am a sucker for the Lego Speed Champion Series. All my non disc golf time is mostly spent doing whatever the kids or my wife would like to do!

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